Why It Is OK to Be Not OK

Why It Is OK to Be Not OK

It’s not wrong to be upset.
It’s not wrong to cry.
It’s not wrong to want attention.
It’s not even wrong to scream or throw a fit.
What is wrong is to keep it all inside.

What is wrong is to blame and punish yourself for simply being human.

What is wrong is to never be heard and to be alone in your pain. Share it.

Let it out. Tears are good. What flows is alive. Crying is like a thundershower for the soul.

The air feels so wonderful after the rain. Don’t think too much. Breathe. Don’t be harsh or demanding of yourself.

Just experience your feelings and know that your tears are announcing a change in your life.

Change is coming; like a summer rain — to wash away your pain. Have faith that things are getting better.

It’s Okay to say NO.

You don’t have to feel guilty or say sorry.

Setting boundaries is healthy. You should be able to respect and take care of yourself without feeling bad about it.

Remember It Is OK to Be Not OK because your mental health matters – and the most important thing in your life is life itself.

Dhaval Thakkar